1000 Faces

In this modern world/the world of social media the most basic thing about knowing people and catching up with friends is all about following them on twitter/Facebook/Instagram/etc.
Is this all, is it how we interact with people? Yes it made easy to interact with people far away from us, but it also created a huge distance with the people just beside you.

Here are people I met just to know their name’s and express these thoughts! This is my goal to meet 1000 people and ask them to pose for my camera and document them for social media. 

How many times have you said hi! To a stranger? Just to ask their name, how are they doing today? So that you start a conversation and meet new people? This was all about interaction with people before. That’s how you meet people and start talking. Not just by liking some picture or comment or following someone.

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 I’m going to say Hi! to more people than  my keyboard – I’am NasH

I am not saying we are losing direct interactions but im saying how well you know anyone now in person. How far are you keeping yourself from people around you? Are you who you are without your phone? Can you even start a conversation with people beside you or you just wait for your mobile to beep?

I just hope people get comfortable to greet one another then just follow one another in streets, while on trains, buses and planes. Just start talking and you will see its much more fun than being alone on your phone with hundreds of people who are not just with you at this moment.
hi 2    hi-23 hi-3

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